Sarah is a stage actress and singer with many years of experience and offers coaching for body and vocal expression. These are individually tailored to the client. More
Appointments are available both online and in person by appointment.
OFFERS for (upcoming) performers

We know the feeling when we feel great and feel a lightness in the body, when we can simply speak and sing freely, straight from the heart. What can get in our way on stage is everything from stage fright/stress to self-judgement and the expectation of wanting to be perfect and more.... This results in the body becoming hard and we lose aliveness. Singing without fear, without controlling what comes out of the mouth, leaves space for what our character wants to express through us.
As children, it is very easy for us to jump from one "role" / task to the next and back again, all without thinking. Everything seems so much more effortless as children at this stage let their largely unaffected bodies guide them through life. As adults we can work more on returning to this ease, being in our bodies and having fun whilst acting at the same time.